Port of Mumbai

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Port of Mumbai


The Port of Mumbai, situated on the west coast of India, is a major port handling a diverse range of cargo. As India's largest city and financial hub, Mumbai's port plays a crucial role in facilitating trade, both domestically and internationally.

Economic Overview

India's economic vitality hinges on the Port of Mumbai for crucial maritime connectivity. This pivotal port not only supports industries nationwide but also plays a significant role in shaping India's trade balance, underscoring its importance in the national economy. As the largest South Asian economy, India grapples with informal domestic economies. The impact of COVID-19 has not only reversed economic growth but also hindered poverty reduction efforts. Weaknesses in credit access contribute to lower private consumption and inflation. Despite challenges, India is committed to new initiatives aimed at promoting social and infrastructure equity.

Container port (TEUs)

4.612 TEU (2023)



Pic Name
Rajesh Patel
Phone Mail
+91 555 555 555 mumbai.india@sdglines.com
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